Nuclear energy is the energy stored in the nuclei of atoms, which is released when these nuclei disintregrate.
A nuclear power station
is a type of thermal power station in which, instead of fossil fuels, they use uranium-235, an isotope of the element uranium which breaks down into the nuclei of smaller atoms and releases a large quantity of energy (according to Einstein's equation E = mc2), that is used to heat water which, converted into steam, moves the turbines connected to a generator that produces electricity.
The nuclear chain reactions of fission take place in the nuclear reactors, which are the equivalent of the boiler in a thermal power station using fossil fuels.

Advantages: small quantities of fuel produce a great deal of energy and there are abundant reserves of nuclear material.

Disadvantages: nuclear power stations generate waste which is very difficult to eliminate. The danger presented by
radioactivity makes necessary the adoption of safety measures which are very expensive. 

esquema de una central nuclear

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